Russo De Rosa Associati has for many years supported its clients in the predisposing of asset protection instruments.
First among these instruments, owing to its effectiveness and broad applicability, is the trust: the Firm numbers among its staff professionals specialised in the drawing up of trust deeds, an ancient institution of Anglo-Saxon origin which is today a full participant in our own law, and broadly used for the purpose of protection.
In the basic layout, a subject, known as the “Trustor”, transfers assets (the “Trust Fund”) to another subject, the “Trustee”, with the purpose of protecting the trustee from the trustor’s personal affairs and from any action on the part of third parties. Those assets are, in fact, segregated: the Trust Fund is no longer an asset of the Trustor, but belongs to the Trustee, who administrates and manages it in compliance with the indications expressed by the Trustor. The Trust Fund also represents a separate asset with respect to the Trustee and is therefore also segregated from the Trustee’s other affairs.
In the Firm’ professional practice the Trust is a widely-used instrument for protecting the assets of subjects who, due to the special nature of their activities (for example medical doctors, engineers, entrepreneurs) and their professional capacities (for example managers, directors), need to protect their wealth from the risks deriving from any legal actions pertaining to responsibilities.