By being aware that access to new markets and the consolidation of the activity in those markets in which the company is already present represent a growing critical success factor, Russo De Rosa Associati offers a wide range of activities aimed at supporting the entrepreneur in the process of navigating the dynamics of internationalisation.
In this context, assistance is focussed on methods for implementing projects for establishment overseas (by means of a preliminary evaluation of the formal legal presence framework of the host country - creation of offices of representation, permanent organisations and subsidiary companies) and investment plans in Italy by foreign subjects, intervening both at the start-up stage of the various initiatives (by means of drawing up opinions, memorandum and feasibility studies) and in the executive and final stages when the activity has become fully operational. In a case where the specific situation so requires, forms of communication are initiated with the Inland Revenue (by means of preventive measures of clarification aimed at minimising the possibility of contestation by the same as much as possible) and the Firm avails itself of the network of contacts created by it over the years as well as with foreign financial Administrations.
In particular, as regards consultancy for Italian and foreign multinational groups, the Firm has developed specific experience in the analysis and implementation of transfer pricing management procedures which allow the risks associated with transfer pricing to be fully sustained: from the stage of economic analysis to the preparation of functional analyses until preparation of the related documents.
The Firm’s activity is specifically structured in respect of all the typical stages of a transfer pricing analysis:
Following the activities described above, documentation complying with the various national regulations is produced and collated in order to provide a solid justification for the adopted transfer prices as well as for supporting future planning.